Duncan Mountford 被動性參與:歷史的邀請

Duncan Mountford ──大崎村計畫(Daci Village Project

Duncan Mountford是一位資深英國藝術家,居於台灣數年,並於2012年七月至2013年八月時,於台南藝術大學造型藝術所擔任約莫一年期的客座教授。一年的時間並不長,但Duncan因著各種緣由走入大崎、踏進MIGA、遇見諸種社群(學生、教師、村民),也開始了各式各樣的對話與交流。或許Duncan對村落歷史的認識仍不比許多人深入,但身為一位當代藝術工作者,他很快便嗅到了這個場域歷史感的強度。


「大崎村計畫」(Daci Village Project)中,Duncan選擇了2010年始拓寬、將南藝大-大崎-六甲市區、省道串連起一條現代化的便道的聯外道路上,因拓寬過程中,將原先狹小道路旁的建築物部分拆除,其中一幢因此如遭刀割切剖開般,房舍僅餘一半,裸露的室內空間比鄰於馬路。鑑於這一空間具有一種由外向內「穿透」觀看、一覽無遺的特色,也是人車路過時早已視而不見的空間。「我們真的看見了大崎村嗎?或是在汲汲營營的生活中,早就對自身生活的環境、歷史、人文視而不見了?」這是Duncan以外來者的居住經驗,以及面對著包含著村民以及其他作為「外來者」的師生提出的問題。

作品中,Duncan計畫將空間與有高低差的聯外道路接軌,將房舍裸露的室內空間,搭置一面將內外風景相隔開的牆面,讓原先一覽無遺的視野,轉為觀者必須服膺於好奇心的驅使,並選擇踏下階梯,走入作品的場域中「重新觀看」。這是作品對逕行於馬路上的人的邀請,「到底會看見些什麼?」 只有在共同踏入這個場所的過去、現在與未來的想像中,才能知道。


Duncan 創作自述

Duncan Mountford
Daci Village Project: First outline concept and drawings.
In one of the abandoned houses will be installed a structure that will provide a platform and viewing window into the house. This structure will completely fill approximately one quarter of the house, so that the house, its contents and the traces of its inhabitants, will only be visible through the viewing window.
Inside the house will be installed lights, one main light position to illuminate the interior through a door (window?). Smaller lights will be installed with lenses to concentrate illumination on specific points. All lights will be on timers, so that viewing the interior takes place at specific times (random? Day and night?)
The structure (viewing platform) will be constructed from timber and plywood, and will be painted a neutral grey or a ‘museum red’. There will be a brass plaque adjacent to the window with the names of the inhabitants of the house, and the date it was abandoned. There will be a plaque that gives the date of the founding of the University and the construction of the road that runs past the house.

The Project stems from a number of concepts. One is that the abandoned houses, with their traces of use, physical condition, site, are replete with multiple meanings and connections, and that any intervention in what exists will be to either impose or disrupt what is there.
The second is to provide a specific (controlled?) view of the house, to frame it literally and metaphorically in a number of contexts, from that of contemporary art to archaeology and museology. This structure (‘the viewing area’) alludes to the scenic viewing spots (‘this is where you take your photograph’). It is a symbolic manifestation of my position as outsider providing a ‘view on Taiwan’, and this a further symbol of the sometimes difficult position of the Academy in relationship to the local community.
A further allied concept is to (hopefully) make people stop and look, to recognise that what is around them contains many layers of memory, that there is an intrinsic aesthetic value in the everyday.

Duncan 作品草圖

Duncan Mountford 歷年作品網站

